

The planned activities and results are structured in a way that ensures the coverage of identified target groups and their needs. The project has three phases: the initial phase is about detailed assessment of Technology Transfer performance and will result in individual development needs. The next phase is the design and development of organisational, operational models and technology transfer mechanisms. The last phase is dedicated to the pilot implementation where each partner country institution will adopt and implement elements of the previously developed models that suits best their institutional strategy, ambitions and capability.

TETRIS will be implemented by 5 workpackages over a period of 36 Months.


This WP aims to build a shared understanding on Technology Transfer Innovation Scheme to improve collaborative effectiveness. The common understanding will enable the consortium to design the Assessment Guideline, a prerequisite to carry on the Technology Transfer Performance Assessment to discover, map and measure existing situation in TT at each Partner Country Institution. This activity will lead to construct an Institutional Roadmap with the clear purpose to set goals and objectives combined with focus points and actions for the HEIs.


WP2.1 Development of Technology Transfer Mechanisms

This workpackage aims to give a detailed overview on the wide range of Technology Transfer mechanisms applied by universities to foster the university-industry knowledge transfer. These mechanisms are far more complex than the sale and licensing of patents and the direct exploitation of academic research outcomes in an industry setting. Universities engage in a plurality of interactions with economic and community stakeholders, different types of universities tend to engage in several types of knowledge transfer activities according to their profile and preferences.

WP2.2 Technology Transfer Process Model

Technology Transfer is a bridge between university (people, culture and mindset) and industry and the ecosystem with different dynamics. Designing the processes of technology transfer will help to discover the responsibility, autonomy and required skills and knowledge by all the counterparts actively involved in the process. The Process Model will serve as a reference for the Partner Country HEIs when the Institutional Process Model will be designed, according to the profile and preferences of the Partner Country HEIs.

WP2.3 Technology Transfer Organisational Framework

Technology Transfer Offices play an intermediary role between the research units of the university and the ecosystem. This workpackage aims to: i) benchmark the different organisational models applied in TT; ii) define its intra-organisational position within the institution; and iii) mapping the links to the ecosystem. The workpackage will describe a variety of organisational setup for TT that enables Partner Country HEIs to select the most appropriate structure to carry out TT activities.

WP2.4 Institutional Technology Transfer Asset Management

This WP aims to provide the methodology and a holistic approach on how to make an inventory of academic and scientific outputs, capacities and achievements subject to valorisation and commercialisation. A proper Intellectual Asset inventory and shared understanding of HEI research strategy will enable the TT unit to streamline their efforts to maximise the potential of valorisation and commercialisation activities.

WP2.5 Pilot and Evaluation

The aim of this WP is to launch a pilot of implementing the appropriate, institution-tailored : i) TT mechanisms (WHAT to do), ii) TT process model (HOW to do), iii) TT organisational model (WHO and to WHOM) and iv) customised TT Asset Inventory (CONTENT). The Workpackage will end with the Final TT Performance Assessment and synthesising the evaluations, findings and recommendations.


This WP ensures the quality of the deliverables and oucomes of the project. Project Quality Assessment Plan (PQAP) includes all the quality criteria and the associated controls, the assessment procedures and the measures are taken in case of deviations. The PQAP accepted by the Executive Board details the control subjects and timing and provides templates for monitoring activities.


Dissemination involves sharing and co-designing results together with external partners. Dissemination has two major objectives: 1) to reach attention threshold level of public; 2) to communicate project’s scope, core ideas to the decision makers and the target groups. Exploitation is considered to be how each partner utilises the knowledge and course content during and beyond the completion of the project.


The implementation of the project will follow the detailed project plan. The principle behind the organisation of the implementation and the division of tasks is two-fold: ensure the highest quality of the project results and provide the opportunity to participating partners to learn from each other, including the EU partners. The structuring of the project and division of tasks is conforming with the objective of equitable distribution of resources and a balanced workload across the partners.

For more information, see Project Outcomes